Tag Archive for: Relocation

Launching a Home-Based Business While Moving

Becoming an entrepreneur is an exciting time, but it does require a lot of work. And if you find that you need to move at the same time to have a bigger workspace to suit your needs, it can be doubly challenging. It’s not an easy feat to start a home-based business while moving at the same time, but you can do it!

Here are eight tips on how you can accomplish both:

  • Make sure you select the right location. Make a list of everything you need close by for your personal life and then also for your business. That might be proximity to your shipping partners, an airport if you need to travel frequently, your suppliers or whatever else that might be. We have success with our clients who are relocating. We can help you find the perfect place!
  • Hire a professional moving company. Yes, you can do it all yourself and it will be cheaper, but it’ll take a lot of time and effort, which would be better spent on establishing your new business.
  • Plan ahead so that you don’t have too much workload when moving into your new place. The last thing you want is more stress piled onto everything else, so keep the days surrounding your move free of calls and deadlines as much as you can.
  • Get your business registered at your new home-office address. An LLC might be a good option for you, but make sure you check the filing requirements by state, as these can vary. This will allow you to work on your new venture without having to worry about any legal implications. You’ll also need the proper registration to claim tax deductions for expenses related to starting your business.
  • Sign up for continuing education. It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day details of running your business. But if you keep investing in building your skills, it will help you make better business decisions and ensure long-term success. There are plenty of online degrees available in business or accounting that you can fit around your work schedule. 
  • Invest in state-of-the-art technology. Your old laptop might have been good enough for downloading music and email, but when you start a business, having the right tools will be a productivity game-changer. Invest in phones, screens, tablets, computers and any other technology you might need – keep it up-to-date.
  • Design a business plan to map out your long-term vision. By putting all of your ideas down on paper and going through the assumptions that back up all of your financials, you can troubleshoot potential problems before they arise. A business plan is also crucial if you need to go to investors or request a bank loan.
  • Stay on top of your accounting. Many entrepreneurs end up with stacks of crumpled invoices in a drawer and find themselves overwhelmed when tax season comes around. There are plenty of easy-to-use software options available today to set you off on the right foot from day one and make sure you don’t fall behind.

We hope that this post has provided you with some insights and tips on starting a small business from home while moving. You’re now ready to join the millions of entrepreneurs, who decided to pursue their dreams as well. Good luck with your new endeavours!


[This content is compliments of TidyHome. Image for this post – Unsplash]